
We have a complete selection of OSC seeds.  Herbs, vegetables, annuals and perennials are all available.  Some annuals and vegetables come in Jumbo Packs  as well.  Prices range from $1.99 to $5.99

Please call the store to order your seeds today!

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Type Variety  Category 
Achillea White Yarrow OSC Per.
Ajuga Bugleweed OSC Per.
Alyssum Saxatile OSC Per.
Arabis Snow Cap OSC Per.
Arenaria Mountain Sandwort OSC Per.
Armeria Maritima OSC Per.
Aubretia False Rock Cress OSC Per.
Beardtongue Penstemon Digitalis OSC Per.
Bee Pollinator Mixture Perennials & Annuals OSC Per.
Beneficial Insect Perennials & Annuals OSC Per.
Black-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia Hirta OSC Per.
Bonset Native Wildflower OSC Per.
Butterfly Mixture OSC Special Mixture OSC Per.
Butterfly Weed Asclepias OSC Per.
Candytuft Iberis Sempervirens OSC Per.
Canterbury Bells Cup & Saucer Mixed OSC Per.
Catmint Nepeta Mussini OSC Per.
Chinese Lantern Physallis Franchetti OSC Per.
Columbine Mckana’s Giant OSC Per.
Columbine Winkie Double Dark Blue OSC Per.
Coneflower Paridosa All Colour Blend OSC Per.
Coreopsis Early Sunrise OSC Per.
Coreopsis Tinctoria Dwarf OSC Per.
Coreopsis Sunfire OSC Per.
Creeping Thyme Thymus Serpyllum OSC Per.
Deer Resistant Wildflower Mixture OSC Per.
Delphinium Magic Fountians Mixed OSC Per.
Delphinium Pacific Giants Mixed OSC Per.
Echinops Globe Thistle OSC Per.
English Daisy Bells Giant Double Mixed OSC Per.
Evening Primrose Oenothera Lamarckiana OSC Per.
Forget-Me-Not Myosotis Alpestris OSC Per.
Foxglove Excelsior Hybrids OSC Per.
Gaillardia Grandiflora OSC Per.
Gaillardia Arizona Red Shades OSC Per.
Gaillardia Mesa Yellow Hybrid OSC Per.
Gloriosa Daisy OSC Per.
Guem Mrs. Bradshaw OSC Per.
Gypsophila Paniculata Single OSC Per.
Helianthus Ox – Eye Sunflower OSC Per.
Heuchera Bressingham Hybrids OSC Per.
Hollyhock Chaters Double Mixed OSC Per.
Hollyhock Double Appricot OSC Per.
Hollyhock Fiesta Time OSC Per.
Hummingbird Mix Perennials and Annuals OSC Per.
Iceland Poppy Giant Mixed OSC Per.
Joe Pye Weed Euphatorium Fistulosum OSC Per.
Lavender Vincenza Blue OSC Per.
Lunaria Silver Dollars OSC Per.
Lupine Perennis OSC Per.
Lupins Russell’s Hybrid Blue OSC Per.
Lupins Russell’s Hybrid Red OSC Per.
Lupins Russell’s Hybrid OSC Per.
Lupins Russell’s Hybrid Yellow OSC Per.
Lychnis Maltese Cross OSC Per.
Malva Sylvestris Zebrina OSC Per.
Milkweed Common OSC Per.
Milkweed Red Swamp OSC Per.
Monarda (Didyma) Bee Balm OSC Per.
Native Seed Cottage Country OSC Per.
Native Wildflower New England Aster OSC Per.
Nodding Wild Onion Allium Cernuum OSC Per.
Oriental Poppy Checkers OSC Per.
Ornamental Grass Blue Fescue OSC Per.
Ornamental Grass Pampus Plume Pink OSC Per.
Ornamental Grasses Pampas Plume OSC Per.
Ozark Sundrop Oenothera Missouriensis OSC Per.
Painted Daisy Pytethrum OSC Per.
Penstemon Sensation Mixed Colours OSC Per.
Penstemon Rocky Mountain OSC Per.
Perenial Garden Perennials and Biennals OSC Per.
Poppy Oriental Scarlet OSC Per.
Prairie Coneflower Dwarf Yellow OSC Per.
Purple Coneflower Echinace Purpea OSC Per.
Purple Coneflower Pow Wow Wild Berry OSC Per.
Rudbeckia Goldsturm OSC Per.
Rudbeckia Prairie Sun OSC Per.
Septic Bed Mixture OSC Per.
Shasta Daisy Crazy Daisy (Double) OSC Per.
Shasta Daisy Leucanthemun Maximum OSC Per.
Showy Evening Primrose Oenthera Speciosa OSC Per.
Simcoe County Mix OSC Per.
Snow In Summer Cerastium Tomentosum OSC Per.
Soapwart Saponaria OSC Per.
Spruce Tree Colorado Blue OSC Per.
Stachys Lamb’s Ear OSC Per.
Sweet Peas Everlasting Mixed Colours OSC Per.
Sweet William Giant Single Mixed OSC Per.
Sweet William Super Duplex Double Mixed OSC Per.
Tree Seed Balsam Fir OSC Per.
Tree Seed Douglas Fir OSC Per.
Tree Seed Flowering Dogwood OSC Per.
Tree Seed Red Maple OSC Per.
Tree Seed Sugar Maple OSC Per.
Tree Seed White Birch OSC Per.
Tree Seed White Pine OSC Per.
Tree Seed White Spruce OSC Per.
Tritoma Pfitzers Hybrid OSC Per.
Viola Mixed Colours OSC Per.
Viola Sorbet XP Citrus Mixed OSC Per.
Viola Sorbet XP Select Spring OSC Per.
Wallflower Double Mixed OSC Per.
White Coneflower White Swan OSC Per.
Wild Bergamot Monarda Fistulosa OSC Per.
Wildflower Scarlet Flax (Linum Grandiflorum Variety Rubrum) OSC Per.
Wildflower Blue Flax OSC Per.
Wildflower Low Growing Mixture OSC Per.
Wildflower Semi-Shade Mixture OSC Per.
Wildflower Blazing Star (Native Wildflower) OSC Per.
Wildflower Blue Vervain OSC Per.
Wildflower Northern Blue Flag Irus Versi Colour OSC Per.
Wildflower Showy Tick Trefoil OSC Per.
Wildflower Sneezeweed OSC Per.
Wildflower Wild Blue Indigo Baptisa Australis OSC Per.
Wildflower Catchfly Silene Armeria OSC Per.
Wildflower Coreopsis Lance Leaved Coreopsis Lanceolata OSC Per.
Wildflower Plains Coreopsis Coreopsis Tinctoria OSC Per.
Wildflowers OSC Mixture OSC Per.